I'm not sure my goal of only raw in the morning matters to me much. : / I haven't managed to do it any of the days this week! However, I am happy with the fact that I have been having the green smoothies and fruit. It wasn't that long ago that I could honestly have gone days without eating any fruit.
Do I feel any different? No, but it's only been 4 days and only part of the morning. I do have to say this, though: It is affecting what I want to eat. Although this evening I'm tired and have been making it worse by eating various junk items, when we were out earlier, the kids were allowed to pick a treat and I was going to pick myself a chocolate bar of some sort. But I picked up something I normally like, thought about what it would taste like, and put it back. The sweetness and whatnot just aren't as fulfilling as some wonderful fruit, veggies or seeds! Or some nice cashews. Mmm.
I'm reading Sarma Melngailis's Living Raw Food at the moment. I had gone through the previous one, Raw Food, Real World, but had to give it back to the library before trying any of the recipes, and now I'm on the waiting list again. In any case, I'm reading all of the nutritional and food info parts more than the recipes at the moment. Now that I've finally tried the green smoothie, I'm reading about different greens I ought to try. Like cilantro.
Speaking of green smoothies, I had a horrible failure today. I made a small one with blueberries, banana and baby spinach (yes, always baby spinach at the moment because I have a container of organic baby spinach I need to use up!), but I put too many blueberries in it, I think. If I'd had some agave syrup to add in, I might have been able to make it pretty good. I ended up eating toast after that, then decided to try to re-create yesterday's amazing smoothie. FAIL. The bananas weren't ripe enough and it totally affected the taste. Dang. I'll have to make a point to buy some bananas for the sheer purpose of allowing them to get to the right ripeness, then freezing them.
I guess we'll see about tomorrow's fruit or smoothies tomorrow morning! Not sure the bananas will be ready. Other than the bananas, I have some grapes, oranges and mangoes, but I don't like the smell of mangoes while cutting them, nor do I like the taste. I wonder if I could handle a small amount in a smoothie. Regardless, unless I find a recipe that has one or more of those ingredients and no bananas, I may just eat some grapes and an orange for breakfast. It's surprising that it's such a habit after a couple of weeks that I can't even imagine starting my day with something that's not fruit!
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