Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dirty Dishcloth Green Smoothie

Note to self: Stick with tried-and-true recipes for a while before experimenting on your own.

I didn't have the fruits in the house to make even a variation of what I have been having the past week, so I looked some things up online and a couple of places just said to mix some fruits, then add your greens. So, I decided to do just that with what little I had: some grapes (getting old), an orange (from a bag of oranges that have turned out to not be so great) and a banana. I was running out of my mixed greens and bought radish sprouts yesterday, so added some of that to what was left of the greens.

It was vile. At first, it was okay, almost melon tasting. But it was a little off, so I added another (too-ripe) half of a banana, that didn't really make a difference, so I added the last piece of banana in the house. (Well, no, the other bananas are all still green.) It was worse. And as seconds passed, it got worse and worse to the point I could not drink it anymore, it was causing bizarre--and bizarre-tasting--burps. I decided I couldn't drink it, dumped it in the sink and caught a whiff of what smelled like a dirty dishcloth. I replaced the dishcloth and added water and soap to the remaining small amount of smoothie in the blender. Let it soak, came back, and a STRONG smell of dirty dishcloth. Dang. It was the smoothie.

So, no smoothie for me this morning. Not even raw this morning. I don't have enough raw, ripe fruit that I can eat, and I have no desire to eat cucumber or celery or anything like that first thing. I've had a bagel with peanut butter, instead, hoping to drown out the stuff in my stomach. That and water. I'd really like to swallow some mints. Blech.

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